5 MEPs responding

…………to Ursula von der Leyen’s proposal to talk about mandatory vaccination in EU.

Cristian Terhes
MEP: “We replied on Dec. 8, 2021, in a new press conference, to Ursula von der Leyen’s intention to open the discussion about mandatory vaccination in the EU.”

Mevrouw Jeanine van Nieukerken overleden

Zij was lange tijd de voorzitter van Stichting Natuurwetmoeders en deed er alles aan mensen voor te lichten over gentech voedsel. Daarbij gaf zij aan dat biologisch voedsel de toekomst heeft. Vele malen steunde ze de Gentechvrije Burgers bij hun bezwaren tegen de markttoelatingen en proefvelden van gentech gewassen en tegen de toelating van de gentech anjers. Dank je Jeanine dat je er voor ons was. Rust zacht.

English below

Links Rob Verlinden van St. Vomigen en rechts Jeanine van Nieukerken na een zitting bij de Raad van State vanwege gentech proeven op jonge veulens.

Mrs. Jeanine van Nieukerken passed away this week.

She was a long time chair of The Fundation of the Mothers of Natural Law. She saw to it that a lot of people knew what it ment that crops and carnations were manipulated. She favoured organic food. Jeanine supported The European GMO-free Citizens all the time by their effort to send petitions against trail fields to the government and objections against placing of GMO´s on the EU market. Jeanine, thank you that you supported us all the time. That you may Rest In Peace.

GMO strawberries USA

From: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

5u  · “GMO strawberries? Hard pass. Gene-edited GMO strawberries will be coming to stores fairly soon. No long-term safety studies or labeling required, thanks to USDA’s deregulation of all GMOs created through new genetic engineering methods such as gene editing. The new GMO strawberry is brought to you by the same corporation that brought GMO potatoes to the U.S. market – J. R. Simplot. One of the “benefits” they tell us, is that these GMO strawberries will “reduce pesticide use.” We’ve heard that lie before. Don’t be fooled. Boycott GMO strawberries. Since they won’t be labeled, the only way to avoid them is to buy either certified organic or certified biodynamic, with the added Non-GMO Project Verified label.”

Read: https://modernfarmer.com/2021/11/gmo-strawberries/#GMOStrawberries#strawberry#strawberries#berries#GMO#GeneEditing#food#fruits#BoycottGMOs#gmofreecanada#gmofreeusa#toxinfreeusa

GMWatch: Scientists find yet more genetic errors from CRISPR gene editing

Details Published: 06 November 2021

Quote: “In the study, the scientists examined the genome of zebrafish after using CRISPR-Cas. They found that large structural changes (large insertions and deletions) had occurred at both the target sequence and at so-called off-target sites.

Italië schut op haar grondvesten

LIVE: Rome / Italy – Anti-‘Greenpass’ demonstrators gather for a new round of protests – 15.10.2021 – YouTube

Via deze bron (NL). Live om 15.00 uur.

Protesters are taking to the streets of Rome on Friday, October 15, to demonstrate against the mandatory requirement for workers in Italy to have the so-called ‘Green Pass,’ a digital or paper certificate showing that they have been vaccinated, tested negative, or recovered from COVID-19.​ From October 15 until December 31, 2021, the Green pass, which was already mandatory on public transportations and indoor spaces such as bars, restaurants, and theatres, will become compulsory to enter public and private workplaces. The measures are a first for Europe and some of the strictest in the world as anyone without a pass will reportedly face suspension from work and may have their pay stopped after five days. Following the announcement, several protests sparked around the country. Demonstrators, including members of far-right groups, marched in central Rome on Saturday and ended with scuffles with police. Members of what appeared to be the far-right group Forza Nuova stormed the headquarters of CGIL, the Italian General Confederation of Labour.

Lees verder “Italië schut op haar grondvesten”