Blootstelling aan glyfosaat bevattende herbiciden en het risico op Non-Hodgkin Lymfoom

02-10-2019, Review. Exposure to Glyphosate-Based Herbicides and Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Meta-Analysis and Supporting Evidence

AuthorLuopingZhanga IemaanRanaa Rachel M.Shafferb EmanuelaTaiolic LianneSheppardbdmore

Three of authors EPA scientists!!!

Quote of Abstract: “Overall, in accordance with evidence from experimental animal and mechanistic studies, our current meta-analysis of human epidemiological studies suggests a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for NHL.” Source Tweet GMWatch

Franse en Duitse boeren vernietigen koolzaadgewassen nadat er gentech gevonden is in zaad van Bayer

6-02-2019, Reuters, Sybille de La Hamaide: Bayer zorgde voor een terugroepactie maar er was al zaad gezaaid op ongeveer 8.000 ha in Frankrijk en op 2.500 tot 3.000 ha in Duitsland, dit zaad zal weer verwijderd worden zei Bayer.

02-06-2019, Reuters, Sybille de La Hamaide: French, German farmers destroy crops after GMOs found in Bayer seeds

Bayer issued a product recall but some of the seed had already been sown, representing about 8,000 hectares in France and 2,500-3,000 hectares in Germany, which are in the process of being dug up, Bayer said. 

COGEM vindt alles verwaarloosbaar klein

Een voormalig lid van het EFSA GMO panel, Jean-Michel Wal, heeft gezegd dat een onderzoek naar Bt gewassen suggereert dat Bt  allergische reacties kunnen veroorzaken en dat die studie solide wetenschappelijke  gegronde resultaten bevat. Link (Eng.)
A former member of the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA’s) GMO panel, Jean-Michel Wal, has said that a study suggesting that GM Bt crops could be allergenic has “solid scientifically grounded results”, according to a report in EU Food Policy.[1]  But the Dutch COGEM has okayed a  recent renewal of a Bt maize.

De COGEM heeft de import van een Bt mais echter weer goedgekeurd. Zij beoordeelt de voedselveiligheid echter niet. De vraag is wie dat dan wel doet. “Concluderend acht de COGEM de risico’s van import en verwerking van maïslijn Bt11 voor mens en milieu verwaarloosbaar klein.” Ook al gaat het in dit geval om Cry1Ab,daar is ook onderzoek naar gedaan en dat stemt niet vrolijk.

Al in 2011:” Scientists from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, have detected the insecticidal protein, Cry1Ab, circulating in the blood of pregnant as well as non-pregnant women.”  Paper. Source: India Today.

Quote:” Earlier studies had found trace amounts of the Cry1Ab toxin in gastrointestinal contents of livestock fed on GM corn. This gave rise to fears that the toxins may not be effectively eliminated in humans and there may be a high risk of exposure through consumption of contaminated meat.” Source GMWatch.

Tweets COGEM en Miep Bos

Please sign this petition against Pioneer Hi-Bred’s application for open field trials of RNAi/gene silencing (DP-566113-9) GM maize

Source: African Centre for Biodivercity

Closing date 18 February 2019

Say no to open field trials of new, untested gene silencing technology

Please support the African Centre of Biodiversity’s objection by signing and commenting on this petition against Pioneer Hi-Bred’s application for open field trials of RNAi /gene silencing (DP-566113-9) GM maize.
Press Release

Please support collective efforts to prevent the release of a new type of GMO in South Africa. Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (Pty) (DuPont) has applied for a permit to grow the GM maize event DP-056113-9 in open field trials. This GMO makes use of new and risky RNA interference (gene silencing) technology. This GM maize event is being developed as part of the Seed Production Technology for Africa (SPTA) project to provide maize parent lines to seed breeders with sterile pollen for the mass production of hybrid maize to supply smallholder farmers.

Biowatch is concerned about this application for a number of reasons contained in our objection

Steun het African Centre of Biodiversity’s bezwaar door de petitie te tekenen en commentaar te geven vanwege de voorgenomen gentechveldproeven van Pioneer Hi-Bred met RNAi/gene silencing van gentech mais. Meedoen kan tot 18 februari 2019. Lees ook het persbericht (Eng.)

Petition from Africa

We schreven nog drie bezwaren tegen markttoelatingen van GM mais (2x) en GM soja

U kunt ook in uw eigen taal vertellen dat u het niet wilt eten. niet alle velden hoeven ingevuld te worden. Zie de deadlines. Bron.

You can have your say about placing on the EU market of GM soy and two GM maizes. The EU GMO-free Citizens do not consent! Not every question needs to be answered + use your own language! Source.

Maize MON 89034 x 1507 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the assessment of genetically modified maize MON 89034 x 1507 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9 and subcombinations independently of their origin, for food and feed uses. EFSA opinion: 16 January 2019 Deadline: 15 February 2019 Add your comments
Maize MON 89034 x 1507 x MON 88017 x 59122 x DAS-40278-9 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the assessment of genetically modified maize MON 89034 x 1507 x MON 88017 x 59122 x DAS-40278-9 and subcombinations independently of their origin, for food and feed uses under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2013-113). EFSA opinion: 14 January 2019 Deadline: 13 February 2019 Add your comments
Soybean A2704-12 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Assessment of genetically modified soybean A2704-12 for renewal of authorisation under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003. EFSA opinion: 14 January 2019 Deadline: 13 February 2019 Add your comments

Ecuador is een Gentechvrije Zone

De rechter in Ecuador heeft het ministerie daar verzocht alle gentech gewassen te verbranden die illegaal worden verbouwd. Ecuador is namelijk een gentechvrij land. Omdat dat ministerie nog in beroep kan, richt men zich eerst op gentech soja die illegaal is aangeplant en waarbij Roundup wordt gespoten. Maar de strijd tegen de gentech anjers die daar in kassen worden gekweekt (net als in Colombia) en waar wij bezwaar tegen maken, gaat ook door. Dit schreef Mevr. E. Bravo ons via Twitter.

Ecuadorian peasants and ecologists win battle against GM crops

Details Published: 16 January 2019

A judge in Quevedo, Ecuador has accepted a protection order in favour of the peasants of the province of Los Ríos, in response to a lawsuit that was filed by two peasant organisations and is sponsored by the Ombudsman’s Office. These events were reported by the Network for a GM Free Latin America. Source: GMWatch.

Elizabeth Bravo, PhD

Elizabeth Bravo is Coordinator of the Network for a GE Free Latin America, an Ecology Action Member and Professor at the Salesian University.  Ms Bravo was part of the Expert Group on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms of the Cartagena Protocol Negotiating the Cartagena Protocol on transboundary movement of Living Modified Organisms , the Convention on Biological Diversity. Source.


Steun uit Parijs van de NGO, ” OGM dangers” vanwege het bezwaar tegen de gentech anjer.

Wladyslaw (Taxiarchos228) [GFDL ( or CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Bron.

We ontvingen eergisteren een steunbetuiging uit Frankrijk. Deze luidt als volgt:

Dear Gentechvrije Burgers,

We, the Non-Governmental Organization “OGM dangers”, based in Paris, France want to object against the renewal of the placing on the EU market of the GM carnation Moonaqua (TM) in giving our support to the objections of De Gentechvrije Burgers (The European GMO-free Citizens) in The Netherlands. Their objections were sent to the Dutch Ministry of I and W.

I would also stress the fact that such an opposition proves that we do not oppose GMO only for alimentary risks. The will of power embodied in the possibility of genetically modifying plants and animals could lead to a “brave new world”.

On behalf of “OGM dangers” I, Hervé Le Meur, president of the NGO, done in Paris on January the 14th of 2019

Sincerely yours

Hervé Le Meur

  “La couardise demande : est-ce sûr ?

   L’efficacité demande : est-ce politique ?

   La vanité demande : est-ce populaire ?

   Mais la conscience demande : est-ce juste ?

   Et il vient un temps où l’on doit prendre une position

   Qui n’est ni sûre, ni politique, ni populaire —

   Mais on doit la prendre simplement parce qu’elle est juste.”

                                           — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr