
Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation’s African programmes are not charity


Quote:” By and large, the Foundation’s grants do not support locally defined priorities, do not fit within the holistic approach urged by many development experts, and do not investigate the long-term effectiveness and risks of genetic modification. ” (2017).

Written by Philip Bereano, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, is a member of the Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice and an activist in its AGRA Watch Project.

Burger King In Crisis As Vegan ‘Impossible Burger’ Found To Contain 44mg of ESTROGEN

December 24, 2019. News Punch. Baxter Dmitry News, US 11

Hamburger, Miep Bos , 2019.

Quote: “That’s a whopping 18 million times more estrogen than a standard Whopper.

According to Dr. James Strangle, the ‘Impossible Burger’ is a genetically modified organism filled with calorie-dense oils that will make men grow breasts if eaten in sufficient quantity.”


Lees verder “Burger King In Crisis As Vegan ‘Impossible Burger’ Found To Contain 44mg of ESTROGEN”

Labeled GMOs in the USA got an other name: “Biofortified” but earlier “Derived from Bioengineering” or “Bioengineerd” .

From John Fagan. (FB).

Foodnavigator: Final GMO labeling rule does not require labeling of highly refined ingredients from GM crops, if no modified genetic material is detectable

20-Dec-2018 By Elaine Watson Quote: “In its final GMO labeling rule – released this morning – the USDA says it will not mandate the labeling of highly refined ingredients from GM crops if no ‘modified genetic material’ is detectable, but it will allow manufacturers to make voluntary disclosures on such products in the interests of transparency.”

Natural Blaze: GMO Foods Will Soon Be Mislabeled As Biofortified

By Scott C. Tips 30-01-2019


Quote: “Biofortification is a method of increasing certain vitamin and mineral content of basic food crops by the time-honored, conventional way of cross-breeding, and not through genetic engineering.”

We read that now they want to label GMO´s as “biofortified” and that´s misleading because it is not the same thing!! We as consumers will be deceived. The first labels they were going to use are also misleading.


Producten uit de USA met gentech ingrediënten worden nu “Biofortified” genoemd. Maar op de labels kan ook “Derived from Bioengineering” of “Bioengineerd” staan.

Producten waarbij het GMO niet meer aantoonbaar is, hoeven in de USA niet te worden gelabeld.

Rats fed GM stacked-trait maize developed leaky stomachs

” The changes we saw are closest to those seen with chemical gastropathy (also called reactive gastritis), caused by chemical irritants, such as aspirin, damaging the lining of the stomach.” More from GeneWatch.

Zdziarski, I.M.,
Carman, J.A. and Edwards, J.W. (2018)
Histopathological Investigation of the Stomach
of Rats Fed a 60% Genetically Modified
Corn Diet. Food and Nutrition
Sciences , 9, 763-796.

Ratjes proefdieren (c) Miep Bos
Ratjes proefdieren (c) Miep Bos


Lees verder “Rats fed GM stacked-trait maize developed leaky stomachs”

Vertaling lezing Prof. Pall

Fragment: “Op 5 oktober jl. hield Dr. Martin Pall een lezing op het congres „Onwel door Welvaart“ in Oegstgeest, georganiseerd door de MBOG (Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Orthomoleculaire Geneeskunde). Alle reden om naar dit congres toe te gaan. Marieke was erbij en schreef er onderstaand verslag over.”

Link van Stralingsbewust verzamelpunt.

Meer over 5G.

France bans dozens of glyphosate weedkillers

Source: Issued on: 09/12/2019 – 20:22 Modified: 09/12/2019 – 20:22

France’s health and environment agency said on Monday it was banning dozens of glyphosate-based weedkillers, most of the volume of such products sold in France, ruling there was insufficient data to exclude health risks.”

Glyfosaat over het gras en de weilanden Miep Bos 1994
Glyfosaat over het gras en de weilanden? A.u.b. niet. Miep Bos 1994

Vertaling: Frankrijk verbiedt meerdere herbiciden waar glyfosaat in zit.

Maandag zei het Franse gezondheids- en milieu agentschap dat het meerdere herbiciden met glyfosaat verbiedt, het betreft de meeste die in Frankrijk worden verkocht, omdat er te weinig informatie aangeleverd is om gezondheidsrisico´s uit te kunnen sluiten.