Vandana Shiva op resp. 1 en 2 juni 2024 in Driebergen en Dronten

Groot nieuws!

Vandana Shiva, Trägerin des Alternativen Nobelpreises, in Köln beim Evangelischen Kirchentag 2007} |Vandana Shiva, Right Livelihood Award 1993, 2007 in Cologne. Date=2007-06-10 |Author= Elke Wetzig GNU Free Documentation License.

De wereldberoemde activiste Vandana Shiva vertelt tijdens het congres SEED MATTERS, op 1 juni in Antropia in Driebergen, en 2 juni in de Meerpaal in Dronten (zie onder) over de strijd die zij al decennia lang voert tegen de overheersende krachten van de zaadgoed-multinationals. 

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Vervuiling M en M´s was met illegale gentech rijst

500 tonnes of Indian GMO rice were used in many countries to make, among other things, sweets for the Mars company.

Many countries affected

These batches of flour were marketed in several European countries (Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom and Ukraine), as well as in the United States, Iraq, Mauritius, Qatar, Dubai, Lebanon, Senegal and Turkey.” GMWatch

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