What is really going on? Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

From: The Detox Dudes

Sophia Health ➡️ https://www.sophiahi.com/

Luister naar deze bekende arts. Hij spreekt over de 4 componenten die de gezondheid van onze pijnappelklier aantasten:

* Glyfosaat (het besproeien van onze groenten)
* Fluoride (in onze tandpasta)
* Wifi (dat onze hersenbloedbarrière verzwakt)
* Aluminium (uit weermodificatie/chemtrails)

Dat alles perfect aan elkaar gelijmd met de vernietigende kracht van een 2,4 GHz stralingsfrequentie van de nieuwe 5G-technologie.
Dit is wetenschappelijk onderbouwd.
Deze video komt van een interview met dokter Klinghardt tijdens “the body electric summit” afgelopen maand.

Toch hoopt hij op een goede afloop binnenkort. Alles is nl. te stoppen.

Carnation Moonvista: Petition text and more. Petitietekst en meer info.

Latest news/laatste nieuws:

De rode links werken niet in dit bericht, het is een knipsel, de goede (zwarte) staan er onder.

The red links do not work, the good ones are mentioned below in black.

EC reacts on our Moonaqua petition on 1-12-19

EC reageert op onze Moonaqua petitie op 1-12-19

12-24-19 We have send the petition to Commissioner (2019-2024) Stella Kyriakides, Health and Food Safety. Below you will see the latest update (12-25) to our signers.

24-12-19 We hebben de petitie naar Commissioner (2019-2024) Stella Kyriakides, Cyprus, van Gezondheid en voedselveiligheid gestuurd. Hieronder zie je de update die op 25-12 naar onze ondertekenaars is gestuurd.

Petition: No GM carnations on the EU market, they withstand an herbicide that is also a drug.

Miep Bos started this petition to Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Minister Mrs. Carola Schouten, Minister Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Commissioner Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner Health & Food Safety and Thomas Haahr Press Officer of The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee of the Europe and today, 24-12-19 to Commissioner (2019-2024) Stella Kyriakides, Health and Food Safety.

We, The European GMO-free Citizens and those from other countries do not want these GM carnations. The mark is GGO C/NL/13/02. (FLO-40685-2, Florigene® Moonvista™).

These plants are GMO´s because their color has been changed by changing their DNA.

They are made to withstand a herbicide that is also a drug for people suffering from diabetes. Although they are not sprayed with the herbicide, what happens when a person eats it petals, only in the EU there is a warning not to eat it.

As other herbicides like Roundup are phased out it is likely they will use this one in GM crops. So it will no longer be a safe drug we think..


During the development of the GM carnations (Moonlite™) they tested with human embryo cell lines to see whether the flower was not toxic.

“(b) Additional in vitro studies

The applicant performed an Ames test and a cytotoxicity study on human embryonic intestinal cells in vitro with water extracts of leaves of carnation Moonlite 123.2.38 and control variety 123.”

They also let mice drink of water with the extract of frozen petals in it and killed the mice afterwards. 

A 14-day acute toxicity study was performed on four-week old mice fed with water extracts of frozen petals (2 g petals/kg body weight) from carnation Moonlite 123.2.38 and water extracts of the non-GM control variety 123, respectively.”  See page 29.

Members of the EU parliament did not want an equal GM carnation to be placed on the EU market but it was okayed anyway.

Before harvest and sometimes after the harvest they can spray the GM carnations with  fungicides and probably azoles.

In general some azoles are also used as drugs against fungal infections in people.

Many fungi already can withstand those azoles, it is a big problem.

Ecuador is officially a GMO free country but still grows these GM carnations.

We also do not want to prolong the permits of the other GM carnations, because of the harm that can be done to the the effectiveness of the drugs mentioned above. And we do not want that plants or animals or other species are genetically engineered.

The application runs through the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Carnations are a symbol in many countries.

See how you also can have your say here.

There are enough beautiful natural carnations. Do not mess with Mother Nature!

Latest news: Testbiotech. When it comes to genetically engineered plants, the current standards of #GMO risk assessment are not sufficient to fulfil the #EU legal requirements.

Text of the letter sent

To: Minister Mrs. Carola Schouten, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality , Minister Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Commissioner Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner Health & Food Safety and Thomas Haahr Press Officer of The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee of the Europe.

Letter: Greetings,

Dear Madams, Sir,

Re: No GM carnations on the EU market, they withstand an herbicide that also is a drug against diabetes.
We, The European GMO-free Citizens and those from other countries do not want these GM carnations. The mark is GGO C/NL/13/02. (FLO-40685-2, Florigene® Moonvista™).
These plants are GMOs because their color has been changed by changing their DNA. Please let these GM carnations not be placed on the EU market and let the other GM carnations not get a prolonged permission!
They are made to withstand a herbicide, that is also a drug for people suffering from diabetes. (Sulfonylurea).

Sulfonylureas and their use in clinical practice

As other herbicides like Roundup are phased out it is likely they will use this one in GM crops. So it will no longer be a safe drug.

Quote: “A partnership between Cibus and BASF has led to the development of sulfonylurea herbicide-tolerant GM canola/rapeseed, which has already been considered not genetically modified by a number of government advisory groups.

Study Confirms GM Crops Lead to Increased Pesticide Use, SiS 56 and [27] Ban GMOs Now – Special I-SIS Report). Further, these technologies have limited value in terms of crop protection and yields due to the widespread evolution of herbicide resistant seeds. There is over 23 species of glyphosate-resistant weeds and 132 species re-sistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors, the class of herbicide to which sulfonylurea herbicides belong. With such mutations occurring naturally in weeds as well as crops there seems little point in using this technology aside from making a GM company a lot of money through the application of patents and the sale of more toxic herbicides.
Article first published 02/09/13”
Beware the Changing Face of Genetic Modification.

During the development of earlier GM carnations they tested with human embryo cell lines to see whether it was not toxic .They also let mice drink of water with petals in it and killed the mice afterwards. “(b) Additional in vitro studies The applicant performed an Ames test and a cytotoxicity study on human embryonic intestinal cells in vitro with water extracts of leaves of carnation Moonlite 123.2.38 and control variety 123.” They also let mice drink of water with the extract of frozen petals in it and killed the mice afterwards. ” “A 14-day acute toxicity study was performed on four-week old mice fed with water extracts of frozen petals (2 g petals/kg body weight) from carnation Moonlite 123.2.38 and water extracts of the non-GM control variety 123, respectively.” See page 29.

Members of the EU Parliament did not want an equal GM carnation to be placed on the EU market but it was okayed anyway. MEPs point out that sulfonylureas, which are a common second line option for managing type 2 diabetes, are also used as herbicides, as they are highly toxic to plants at very low doses. So ”creating a market for sulfonylurea resistant plants will encourage the worldwide use of this medicine against diabetes as a herbicide”, possibly entailing “worldwide detrimental effects on biodiversity and chemical contamination of drinking water”, they say.

Cyprus objected.

3.4.1. Objections raised by Member States One Member State
(Cyprus) expressed concerns related to the possibility of crossing
D. caryophyllus with other species of Dianthus, through spread of
pollen by lepidopterans and cross-pollination. This issue is addressed
in Section 3.4.3, under ‘Plant-to-plant gene transfer’ In February
2015, the EFSA received the request from the European Commission
to provide a scientific opinion as to whether there is any scientific
reason to believe that the placing on the market of carnation line
FLO-40685-2 is likely to cause any adverse effects on human health
and the environment within the scope of Directive 2001/18/EC. https://gmoinfo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/docs/C-NL-13-02-EFSA-Opinion.pdf</In accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC4 the notification was then
transmitted to the competent authorities of other Member States. Some
of them raised comments and objections during the statutory 60-day
consultation period. The notifier, Suntory Holdings Limited, provided the
Member States with additional information in response to those comments
and objections. However, one Member State (Cyprus) maintained an
objection which could not be solved during the statutory 105-day period, in
which case the European Commission is required to follow the procedure of
Article 18(1) of Directive 2001/18/EC.


These are cripple carnations because new nucleotide sequence data were found in the DNA and that off-types came into light these have a total new color.

Not sprayed with Sulfonylurea

The GM carnations are not sprayed with Sulfonylurea, the herbicide is part of the manipulation process. But sometimes before harvest and sometimes after the harvest they can spray the GM carnations with fungicides and probably azoles. In general some azoles are also used as drugs against fungal infections in people. Many fungi already can withstand those azoles, also in Bogotá (Colombia) and one hour drive from Bogotá to the place where flowers are grown in greenhouses. It is a big problem. See: Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus harboring TR34/L98H, TR46/Y121F/T289A and TR53 mutations related to flower fields in Colombia. Carlos Alvarez-Moreno1,2,3, Rose-Anne Lavergne3,4, Ferry Hagen5, Florent Morio3,4, Jacques F. Meis5,6 & Patrice Le Pape3,4

To prohibit azoles

It would be best to prohibit the 4 best working azoles that are used in
hospitals and agriculture and only use those 4 best working azoles in
hospitals. And to prohibit import or transit of plants, flowers and non-food
that are sprayed with those best working azoles.

Agrobacterium disarmed?

E.16 Description of the methods used for the genetic modification
Genetic material was inserted into carnation by transformation using
the disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL0 carrying the
transformation vector pCGP1991. SNIF
“As I have written in many, many articles, there is good evidence
that Agrobacterium is not killed by the antibiotics and can remain
dormant and undetectable together with the binary vectors. Please
read Chapter 3 of Ban GMOs Now, which you can download for
Ban GMOs Now! Dr. Mae Wan Ho, I-SIS,UK.

Ecuador is officially a GMO free country but still grows these GM carnations.

We also do not want to prolong the permits of the other GM carnations,
because of the harm that can be done to the drugs mentioned above. And
we do not want that plants or animals or other species are genetically
engineered. Minister Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, you said lately:
“As I understand it, classical mutagenesis is a scattershot approach, .
…..” Speech at the opening of the COGEM Symposium in Den Haag,
10-10-2019. Why do you still say yes to those cripple GM carnations?

Carnations are a symbol in many countries.

Not sustainable. Not CO2 neutral.

The GM carnations are sent by plane from South-America to The

There are enough beautiful natural carnations. Do not mess with Mother

For the links see here.


Miep Bos, woordvoerster van de Gentechvrije Burgers, Europees Consumentenplatform. (spokeswoman of The European GMO-free Citizens).





Re: No GM carnations on the EU market, they withstand an herbicide that also is a drug against diabetes.

Betreft een petitie van Change.org georganiseerd door de Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad.


Minister Mrs. Carola Schouten, Minister Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen,
Commissioner Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis
en De heer Thomas Haahr Press Officer of The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee of the European Parliament.

219 Gentechvrije Burgers uit verschillende landen hebben in een kort tijdsbestek van een aantal weken tegen deze kreupele anjer bezwaar gemaakt.

Deze 219 Gentechvrije Burgers uit verschillende landen BV Rusland, Canada, het VK, Schotland, Duitsland, Frankrijk, België, Griekenland, USA, Portugal, Spanje en Nederland alsmede MP´s van de EU geven aan deze gentech anjers niet te willen. Ondertekenaars van de petitie en/of van het bezwaar zijn onder meer:

Rachel Parent, Canada van Kids Right To Know, https://kidsrighttoknow.org/ ,

Hervé Le Meur, Président de l’association OGM-Dangers, Parijs, http://www.ogmdangers.org/index.html ,

Jeanine van Nieukerken-de Wilde, Natuurwetmoeders, (Mothers for Natural Law), Bussum http://www.natuurwetmoeders.nl/

Wieteke van Dort, Gentechvrije Burgeres en bekende kunstenares en actrice, Den Haag, http://www.wietekevandort.nl/

en Stichting Ekopark, Lelystad. http://biotuinen.nl/

Tegelijkertijd hebben wij een bezwaarschrift gestuurd aan de minister van I&W, mevrouw Cora van Nieuwenhuizen. Het betreft de EU markttoelating van een kreupele  gentech anjer. Moonvista ™, die via Nederland loopt. De deadline was 28 oktober 2019.

De planten worden niet met het herbicide bespoten maar zijn onderdeel van het manipulatieproces. Maar wat gebeurt er als iemand de bloemblaadjes eet, alleen op de plastic hoes in de EU staat dat het gentech is. En die gooit men weg. Kinderen en dieren kunnen niet lezen. Op Facebook op een Amerikaanse site staat al een foto met een bloemschikking en met cupcakes met blaadjes van deze gentech anjer en andere gentech anjers er op.

De petitietekst.

Het bezwaar/notice of objection.


PRESS RELEASE from The European GMO-free Citizens

Re: No GM carnations on the EU market, they withstand an herbicide that also is a drug against diabetes.

We, The European GMO-free Citizens and those from other countries do not want these GM carnations. The mark is GGO C/NL/13/02. (FLO-40685-2, Florigene® Moonvista™).

3.4.1. Objections raised by Member States One Member State expressed concerns  (CYPRUS) related to the possibility of crossing D. caryophyllus with other species of Dianthus, through spread of pollen by lepidopterans and cross-pollination. This issue is addressed in Section 3.4.3, under ‘Plant-to-plant gene transfer’ In February 2015, the EFSA received the request from the European Commission to provide a scientific opinion as to whether there is any scientific reason to believe that the placing on the market of carnation line FLO-40685-2 is likely to cause any adverse effects on human health and the environment within the scope of Directive 2001/18/EC. https://gmoinfo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/docs/C-NL-13-02-EFSA-Opinion.pdf

In accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC4, the notification was then transmitted to the competent authorities of other Member States. Some of them raised comments and objections during the statutory 60-day consultation period. The notifier, Suntory Holdings Limited, provided the Member States with additional information in response to those comments and objections. However, one Member State (CYPRUS) maintained an objection which could not be solved during the statutory 105-day period, in which case the European Commission is required to follow the procedure of Article 18(1) of Directive 2001/18/EC.

These plants are GMO´s because their color has been changed by changing their DNA.

They are made to withstand a herbicide (Sulfonylurea) that is also a drug for people suffering from diabetes. The GM carnations are not sprayed with Sulfonylurea, the herbicide is part of the manipulation process.

But what happens when a person eats it petals, only in the EU there is a warning not to eat it. As other herbicides like Roundup are phased out it is likely they will use this one in GM crops. So it will no longer be a safe drug we think..

This is a petition via Change.org organized by the The European GMO-free Citizens  (Gentechvrije Burgers) from Lelystad, NL, EU.

Addressees: Dutch Minister Mrs. Carola Schouten, Dutch Minister Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, EU Commissioner Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis.

219 GMO-free Citizens from different countries have in a short time of some weeks objected against this cripple carnation.

These are among others Russia, Canada, UK, Scotland, Germany, France, Belgium, Greece, USA, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands. Even EU Members of Parliament do not want these cripple GM carnations on the EU market. The petition text will tell you why. Some signatories of the petition or of the notice of objection are:

Ms. Rachel Parent, Canada of Kids Right To Know

Mr. Hervé Le Meur, Président de l’association OGM-Dangers, Paris, France, 

Mrs. Jeanine van Nieukerken-de Wilde, Natuurwetmoeders, (Mothers for Natural Law), Bussum, NL 

Mrs. Wieteke van Dort, GMO-free Citizen and well known Dutch actress and artist, The Hague, NL  

and Stichting Ekopark (Foundation of Biotuinen), Lelystad, NL. 

In the mean time we have sent a notice of objection to the Dutch minister of Infrastructure & Waterways, Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen. Its all about the placing on the EU market of the cripple GM carnation Moonvista ™ , the application runs via The Netherlands. Notice of Objection (Dutch, some text in English).

Which countries already import these GM carnations? See: http://www.florigene.com/product/moonvista.html

To the petition: http://chng.it/ZvywTzLHSJ or https://www.gentechvrij.nl/petition-text/

More info.


Alle verdere info: klik hier.

Nieuwe studie bewijst: glufosaat veroorzaakt kanker

Quote: “Sinds 1983 voeren de fabrikanten van glyfosaat zes laboratoriumstudies met muizen uit. Met de trendtest tonen alle zes de muizenstudies dat glyfosaat kanker veroorzaakt. ‘Het bewijs uit dierstudies is in werkelijkheid het sterkst,’ zegt Sheppard. Dat schrijft ze ook met co-auteurs in haar studie, die in februari 2019 in …MEER. ” Bron: Vincent Harmsen, Follow the Money, 21-09-2019.

De studie zelf: Elsevier,

Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research

Volume 781, July–September 2019, Pages 186-206

ReviewExposure to glyphosate-based herbicides and risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A meta-analysis and supporting evidence

Author links open overlay panelLuopingZhangaIemaanRanaaRachel M.ShafferbEmanuelaTaiolicLianneSheppardbd

Abstract, quote:”Overall, in accordance with findings from experimental animal and mechanistic studies, our current meta-analysis of human epidemiological studies suggests a compelling link between exposures to GBHs and increased risk for NHL.”

Gene-edited animals will intensify factory farming and the climate crisis, could harm human health and more news from GMWatch

Details Published: 17 September 2019, link.

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Ons bezwaar tegen gentech soja en gentech mais en de bezwaren van anderen.

Bezwaar gentech soja, Soybean MON 87708 x MON 89788 x A5547-127. De EFSA heeft deze bezwaren vertaald in het Engels en op de website van de EU gezet. Meer info over deze toelatingen. Er loopt op het ogenblik nog een consultatie betreffende gestapelde gentech mais, we hebben de deadline kunnen laten verschuiven naar 26 september 2019 omdat er een verkeerde link in de aankondiging stond.

Bezwaar gentech mais, Maize Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x 1507 x 5307 x GA21

Millions of Acres of the Amazon Are at Risk Due to the Trade War Between the U.S. and China.

The feud’s effect on the soybean trade could be the main culprit behind increased destruction of the Amazon. Sarah Sax, Apr 18, 2019

“Soy is now Brazil’s most profitable export, and poised to become larger if the U.S. fades. However, soy production is also a leading driver of deforestation in the Latin American country.” Source. Pacific Standard magazine

Het betreft gentech soja.

Door de handelsoorlog met China en de USA zijn miljoenen hectaren bos in de Amazone in gevaar. Het gaat hier over gentech soja. Daarvoor worden bossen gekapt om te veranderen in landbouwgrond. China importeert nu soja uit Brazilië sinds de handelsoorlog met de USA.

Weer een nieuwe aanvraag om gentech mais op de markt te kunnen brengen, het houdt niet op!

Open Consultations

Het blijkt dat er verkeerde data (EFSA-opinie) worden vermeld, we hebben een email gestuurd. Zo lang kun je nog niet echt goed reageren. Daarom gingen we zelf zoeken. De goede EFSA-opinie is hier te vinden.

Naar de consultatie site van de EU. Het is de eerste mededeling van boven.

De opmerkingen van de lidstaten vindt u hier (AP134 MS comments.pdf, 4de van onder) Alsmede alle andere documenten.

Laatste nieuws: deadline opgeschoven naar 26 september a.s. na protest.

Meer erover lees je hier.

Lees verder “Weer een nieuwe aanvraag om gentech mais op de markt te kunnen brengen, het houdt niet op!”