Theo Schetters: een interview

‘Kindervaccinatie onnodig en onverantwoord.’ Een gesprek met Theo Schetters.

36.678 weergaven, 11 dec. 20212, Ad Verbrugge in gesprek met immunoloog en vaccinatie-expert Theo Schetters over de effectiviteit van de coronavaccinaties.

Dringende oproep Testbiotech

Dringende oproep van Testbiotech. De EU wil de nieuwe gentechnieken zoals Crispr/Cas niet onder de huidige gentech EU wetgeving laten vallen. Zo kunnen nieuwe technieken er voor zorgen dat we niet meer kunnen kiezen uit conventionele – of bio landbouwproducten.

Calyxt gene-edited soybean flops in the US

GMWatch: “Gene editing has been hyped as a way to bring products with attractive traits to market much more speedily. But so far very few products have emerged from the gene editing pipe line and those that have don’t seem to tally with the industry narrative.
Calyxt’s gene-edited soybean, for instance, has suffered poor farmer take-up, according to an article in the US-based investment magazine Seeking Alpha, reporting in December 2020.

Calyxt gene-edited (een omstreden nieuwe gentechniek) sojabonen is een flop in de USA.

We zijn allen proefkonijnen.

First open source detection test developed for a gene-edited GMO crop

Published: October 6, 2020

Category: GMO Testing/Non-GMO Certification/Traceability

Source: The Organic & Non-GMO Report

A group of non-governmental organizations, non-GMO food associations, and a food retailer have announced that the first-ever public detection method for a gene-edited crop has been successfully developed and published.[1] The gene-edited crop in question is an herbicide-tolerant rapeseed (canola) produced by U.S. company Cibus (SU Canola).

Full interview Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Planet Lockdown
4,78K abonnees

This sit down interview with Sucharit Bhakdi about the current situation we find ourselves in. He is the most cited microbiologist in German academic history, an authority if there ever was one shocked by the events of this year, he is speaking out about the scientific fallacies and human rights abuses at work now.

New Techniques Same GMO´s.

From: Non-GMO Project @NonGMOProject
TWEET: This week, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to the developers of CRISPR-Cas9, the GE tool that promises to “rewrite the code of life.” This distinguished panel of experts discusses what that means for the future of our food system — and our planet.

Nieuwe technieken dezelfde GMO´s.

Van: Non-GMO Project @NonGMOProject
TWEET: Deze week is de Nobelprijs voor chemie toegekend aan de ontwikkelaars van CRISPR-Cas9, de gentech tool dat belooft “de code van het leven te herschrijven” . Dit vooraanstaande panel van experts discussieert wat dat voor de toekomst betekent voor ons voedselsysteem en voor onze planeet.