Dringende oproep Testbiotech

Dringende oproep van Testbiotech. De EU wil de nieuwe gentechnieken zoals Crispr/Cas niet onder de huidige gentech EU wetgeving laten vallen. Zo kunnen nieuwe technieken er voor zorgen dat we niet meer kunnen kiezen uit conventionele – of bio landbouwproducten.

Uit 2001

Omdat een aantal vaccins tegen Corona onder gentherapie vallen, zou met dit bericht van I-sIs org nog eens goed moeten lezen…

Fragment: Gene therapy clinical trials ground to a halt amid scandalous reports of deaths
and conflicts of interest [2]

2001: Last year in the US, gene therapy clinical trials ground to a halt amid scandalous
reports of deaths and conflicts of interest [2]. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) set
up a special telephone hot line for victims that counted 652 cases of serious adverse
events along with six unexplained deaths. Effects included high fevers, infections and
severe changes in blood pressure, all of which went previously unreported to the NIH
Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC).

David Baltimore, Nobel laureate and president of Caltech, a gene therapy based biotech
company, said ” I disagree we’ve had any benefit from gene therapy trials so far, many of
us are now asking, what the hell are we doing putting these things into people?”

  1. Julie Grisham, Inquiry in gene therapy widens, Nature Biotech, Vol 18, March 2000, p
    254 & Gene Research Moves Towards Secrecy, By D. Nelson & R. Weiss, Washington
    Post, Nov 3,199 p A1 & Gene therapy safety issues come to fore, Jeffrey L Fox (1999)
    Nature Biotechnology Vol 17, p 1153 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/gene_therapy.php


First open source detection test developed for a gene-edited GMO crop

Published: October 6, 2020

Category: GMO Testing/Non-GMO Certification/Traceability

Source: The Organic & Non-GMO Report

A group of non-governmental organizations, non-GMO food associations, and a food retailer have announced that the first-ever public detection method for a gene-edited crop has been successfully developed and published.[1] The gene-edited crop in question is an herbicide-tolerant rapeseed (canola) produced by U.S. company Cibus (SU Canola).