U.S. Media Silent As Putin Declares Russia GMO-Free…

…….As They Prepare To Become Top Producer of Organic Food.

Most of you know that Russian President Putin has Russia saying “not yet” to GMOs and asserting their national focus on establishing themselves as the world’s largest exporter of organic food, as well as providing their people with healthy non-GMO food.

Bron: Anti News Network, 4 november 2017. U.S. Media Silent As Putin Declares Russia GMO-Free As They Prepare To Become Top Producer of Organic Food  

 Carey Gillam’s presentation to European Parliament

Good morning –  I am an investigative journalist, someone who has spent 30 years focusing on facts, pursuing truth. And having spent roughly 20 of those 30 years delving into the dealings of Monsanto I can confidently tell you that the story of the company’s top selling chemical – glyphosate- More

Bron: U.S. Right to Know, posted on Carey Gillam’s presentation to European Parliament hearing on the Monsanto Papers & glyphosate.

U.S. Right to Know is a nonprofit organization working for transparency and accountability in our nation’s food system.
Carey Gillam presentatie bij de EP over de Monsanto papers. Zij onderzocht voor Reuters de firma Monsanto gedurende 20 jaar en schreef daar een boek over.

Vraag je je af of GMO´s gevaarlijk zijn voor je gezondheid?

Have you been wondering if GMOs
are dangerous to your health?

Obviously, you already knew that. But, someone, somewhere will be reading this for the first time and actually GETTING it. GMO’s are inherently bad news for all living things. Bron: crowcaws.com

Full Article of Jeffrey Smith : “Servey Reports Improved Health After Avoiding genetically Modified Foods”.

By cheeseslave from Los Angeles, CA, USA (Jeffrey Smith) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.
Nieuwe onderzoeken van Jeffrey Smith  laten zien dat als je gentech in de USA vermijdt dat dan de gezondheid verbetert.

European Commission fails again to gather support for glyphosate renewal

Glyfosaat over het gras en de weilanden Miep Bos 1994
Glyfosaat over het gras en de weilanden? A.u.b. niet. Miep Bos 1994

9 November 2017, Brussels – European representatives of the 28 Member States met today in Brussels in a new attempt to come to a decision on the future of the herbicide glyphosate on the European market (1).

9 november 2017. Vertegenwoordigers van 28 landen  in de Europese Commissie zijn bij elkaar gekomen en de meerderheid heeft tegen het nieuwe voorstel gestemd om de periode voor het gebruik en de markttoelating op de EU markt van glyfosaat te verlengen. Er wordt nu eind november opnieuw gestemd omdat de EC de voorstellen doorschuift naar het appeal committee.

Bron:  9 november 2017. Health and Environment Alliance, European Commission fails again to gather support for glyphosate renewal.

Meer over glyfosaat op de site van de EU.

Nieuwe vaccins veranderen permanent ons DNA

Nieuwe vaccins zullen ons DNA permanent veranderen aldus een artikel in de Waking Times.


“The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Bron: Waking Times, November 6  2017,  New Vaccines Will Permanently alter Your DNA


Belangrijke film over wetenschappers die niet over gentech mogen spreken

Scientists under Attack, genetic engineering in the magnetic field of money.

This is the full Documentary from Denkmal films. A very eyeopening doc, for sure. http://www.denkmalfilm.tv
(Was down for a long-long time but is now back up again!!!) Try Searching for further info on net. 

Vimeo, 2015, Contact info for creators of movie can be found here .